Build a successful career in coaching
Enhance your leadership effectiveness
Build & sustain smart and healthy teams
Facilitate org-wide pursuit of a positive workplace
Business Leaders
HR Professionals
This certification is recommended for:
We'll support you all the way to your finish line.
Research-backed Solution-Focused approach by University of Toronto, Canada
60+ hours of AC-UK approved training
(4 x 2-day Workshops/ Masterclasses)
Minimum 10 hours of supervision
(3x individual + 7x group)
Everything you need to be certified
with AC-UK
Includes toolkits (2-3 per module), books, e-books, and SCORE cards
SGD 13,000
Total fee per participant
Prevailing GST will apply
Complete Programme
A comprehensive journey to guide you all the way to certification
Everything in Coach Certification Essentials Programme
Coach Matching
Assistance in facilitating the completion of mandatory coaching hours
Personal consultation with an AC-UK accredited assessor on documents to be submitted (estimated 1-2 hours per document), namely:
Personal Coaching Approach (1,000 words)
Coaching Case Study (1,000 words)
1 recorded coaching session and transcript
Coach’s self-reflection of practice
CPD plan
Complimentary AC-UK membership for 12 months
SGD 9,000
Total fee per participant
Prevailing GST will apply
Essentials Programme
Over 60 hours of AC-UK approved training
4 x 2-day face-to-face modules, including meals
10 Hours supervision
3 x 1-hour one-on-ones, 7 x 1-hour remote small group format with an approved supervisor from EMCC global
Certification Packages
Our coaching competencies meet the highest standards.
The AC-UK (Association for Coaching, UK), ICF (International Coaching Federation, USA), and the CCPC Global (Canadian Council of Professional Certification).

Your Trainers
Confidently deliver results for your organisation and build a meaningful coaching career.
For enquiries or if you'd like to speak to one of our consultants, please email us at learning@rohei.com