Ignite Innovation for Business Survival and Growth [E-Book]
A Playbook for Building a Design-Led Culture
To survive and grow, organisations need to innovate at scale, continuously.
Sustainable innovation requires cultural transformation. The "Better Businesses by Design" playbook surfaces organisational cultural principles that help businesses flourish as they evolve and design cutting-edge, relevant products and solutions.
A McKinsey study of over 300 international organisations found that design-led firms had two times growth in revenue and returns when compared to their industry’s benchmark. However, for design to take root and flourish throughout an organisation’s workflow, the seeds of design need to be planted at the cultural level.
We conducted a year-long qualitative study, in collaboration with DesignSingapore Council, to examine the cultures of leading organisations in Singapore. We held 47 interviews with senior management from 27 design-led organisations. These organisations had commonalities which we distilled into “22 Principles to Building a Design-Led Culture”.

In this E-Book, you will gain access to the following:
The Design-Led Culture Survey: A pulse check on your organisation’s areas of strength or developmental areas across the six broad categories of design-led culture
22 principles to building a design-led culture
10 case studies on how companies have applied these principles