ROHEI was engaged to host a Learning Journey for over 40 business owners and staff speaking on key strategies to manage change.

(L-R) Mr Andy Hoon, Director of Kim San Leng (F&B) Group; Mr Hoon Thing Leong, CEO of Kim San Leng (F&B) Group; Lee Hak Ming, Senior Consultant at ROHEI, Rachel Ong, CE of ROHEI; Eddie Eng, Vice President of ROHEI; and Aaron Chow, Senior Consultant at ROHEI.
ROHEI was engaged to host a Learning Journey for The Bosses Network and The Bosses Network Young Chapter. Held last 31 July 2018 at the ROHEI Campus in Jurong East, the Learning Journey was centred on How to Build a Resilient Organisation During Changing Times. ROHEI leaders and consultants spoke on key strategies in equipping leaders to manage change, addressing over 40 business owners and staff from over 23 different SME organisations.
The key to a resilient organisation
The evening kicked off with ROHEI’s CE Rachel Ong sharing on business challenges and people issues faced by SMEs today.
Rachel spoke on how leaders need to develop relational competencies to build resilience and face these challenges.
Rachel introduced Relational Leadership, an approach ROHEI uses to build leaders and teams who are resilient and able to handle crisis and change.
A key highlight was the ROHEI Real8Ability Factors, a powerful and practical tool to apply relational leadership principles. Relational leaders are able to See, Hear, Understand, Care, and Appreciate their team to develop an emotionally safe environment where the staff can feel like they are being cared for. It is only then that leaders can effectively Challenge, Support and Encourage their team to achieve even greater results.
When leaders can exercise all 8 of the factors, they are able to create a culture that can motivate and engage staff who are then able to collaborate freely to build a stronger and more resilient team.

Mr Dedrick Loo, Director of SunLink Engineering Pte Ltd, after hearing from Rachel, shared, “I realise that in my company, we tend to focus more on caring for the people but we don’t challenge them as much to excel. As a result, they tend to stay within their comfort zones. I realise that finding the right balance between the two is very important”.
Ms Ivy Heng, Director of Watch Water (S) Pte Ltd expressed a similar perspective, “I believe that as employers, we should be appreciative…When people join us, we should help them stay, develop and increase their own value. So that when that staff eventually leaves us, their value can also be seen by others. That’s when we can know that we have achieved something good”.
“I have become a believer in Rachel’s style as a boss over the last few months of knowing her,” said Mr Andy Hoon Director of Kim San Leng (F&B) Group. “I think that she has been really successful to be able to grow ROHEI from 7 persons meeting in her home to over 60 staff with even a presence in China. She has applied the 8 Real8Ability Factors to overcome each of the trials she has faced. I think that the 8 Real8Ability Factors are essential leadership traits. Rachel is a boss who is truly people oriented”.

Building Change Management skills
The next segment of the Learning Journey provided a preview into ROHEI’s experiential, highly engaging, proven approach in teaching organisational resilience.
Consultants Eddie Eng, Aaron Chow, and Lee Hak Ming shared a glimpse into 6 learning experiences to help organisations build essential change management skills:
Developing an innovation mindset to weather business disruptions
Building a high performing team that is agile and prepared for change
Building trust within a team to create stronger bonds
Giving and receiving developmental feedback to help each other grow
Helping individuals overcome their barriers to change through understanding how their past experience shapes the way they respond to challenges today

“I feel the SSG is very fortunate to have such a good partner in ROHEI”, said Ms Peggy Lim, Deputy Director, SkillsFuture Singapore. “A lot of the experiences that were showcased today are also funded by us. At SSG, just like in ROHEI, we are always thinking of ways to raise our level of our service so that we can serve you better and your businesses can perform even better and achieve greater results.”

(L-R) Huey Ling Lai, Vice President of ROHEI; Ms Peggy Lim, Deputy Director, SkillsFuture Singapore; Rachel Ong, CE of ROHEI
An evening of learning left the SME leaders inspired. Mr Simon Lim, Chief Strategic Advisor, Pankosmia Consulting & Investments Pte Ltd, said it very well: ”赢人心,赢天下”.
“If you win people’s hearts, you win the world”.