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ROHEI Launches Mobile Learning Variant to Build Digital Confidence

Writer's picture: ROHEIROHEI

ROHEI Launches Mobile Learning Variant to Build Digital Confidence

After the successful launch of SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace, ROHEI introduces a new variant which is equipped with a LearnBot for mobile learning.


After the successful launch of SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace (SFDW) programme which has trained over 2,800 learners from 42 organisations, ROHEI introduces a new variant which is equipped with a LearnBot for mobile learning.

ROHEI’s Eric Tan demonstrating augmented reality technology during UOB’s 2-day SFDW Learning Experience to Ms Josephine Teo (second from right) and Ms Indranee Rajah (third from left) with United Overseas Bank's head of group human resources Jenny Wong (third from right) and UOB head of group channels and digitalisation Janet Young (far right). PHOTOS: LIANHE ZAOBAO (Read more)

Co-design of SFDW blended approach with Civil Service College

A blended learning design of this programme shortens the face-to-face time of the SFDW programme from 2 days to 1 day, allowing less disruption to work schedules. This also reinforces the learning over an extended period of time and helps builds a habit through practice.

There are learners who may not primarily work with computers but are familiar with the use of mobile devices. Learning was therefore designed for smartphones which are the devices most accessible to them and will best help them develop their digital confidence. ROHEI was privileged to be invited to collaborate with Civil Service College (CSC) to co-design a blended programme to meet the needs of public service learners. This programme will also help learners be able to adopt mobile learning via CSC’s Learn App in the future.

Learn more about how to overcome digital adoption challenges in the Building Digital Confidence E-book.

‍What is the SFDW blended approach?

ROHEI created a first of its kind SFDW programme comprising a 1-day face-to-face experiential learning followed by 4.5 hrs of learning via a customised LearnBot on mobile devices. The 1-day experiential learning programme consists of 4 sessions:

Session 1 - Future@Work. Learners are given an understanding of the need for digitalisation. They learn examples of how technology improves the lives of individuals and organisations.

Session 2 - Learn how to be safe. Understand basic cybersecurity hygiene, different cybersecurity risks and what to do about them.

Session 3 - Learn how to create. Discover more about technology trends; what the emerging technologies are and how they are used.

Session 4 - Learning how to learn. Become aware of learning styles, techniques and platforms to be more effective and efficient in learning.

The sessions provide hands-on learning via a custom designed Learn Bot on the learners’ mobile devices.

ROHEI's SAM LearnBot sample screenshots.

Enabling HR and People Managers to Track Learning Progress

Weekly admin reports are automatically generated and delivered to Human Resource of organisations to keep them informed of the progress of learners. SMS reminders for learners are also integrated to keep the learning in mind and to encourage learners to get onto their mobile app to complete their online modules over a course of 30 days.

HR Admin Reports and SFDW Learner SMS Reminders over 30 days.

Feedback from initial runs

Results from Consumer Research conducted on learners from the first 4 classes of SFDW Blended courses.

Some testimonials from the learners

This blended programme has since been rolled out to learners in Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Temasek Polytechnic. Here are some responses from the learners:


"It was fun, engaging and most importantly learnt something at the end of the session which prompted me to think of using the technology at home. E.g. A.I. – play and learn with pop up science questions to teach.”


“I enjoyed the class and the friendly trainers who were warm and approachable. It was very enriching to find out more about how technology is widely used to enable business processes and how we can also adopt some of this things to help improve our daily tasks especially the repetitive ones.”

“Pasar Innovation (learning station) and chatbot (the LearnBot) are fun and interactive. It will be very useful to introduce to people who has little exposure or no exposure to online chat and technology information. An eye opener for me for such a good system .. The main takeaway would be using our handphone to do the chatbot, didn’t come across before and it is a rather new way of doing things.”


“The technology is impressive and PSD officers should be able to accept and happy to use … We are able to communicate with “Sam” (the LearnBot). We are being guided by each individual trainer and we are not afraid to make mistakes and are ready to try.”


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